Heart-Focused Breathing Meditation | Release Overthinking & Find Grounding🧘🏼‍♀️

I want to introduce you to a heart-focused breathing technique. It’s a technique that you can use any time you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated, or scared. I first got to know about it while doing a course led by Graham Nicholls who is a strategic life coach and trainer. I immediately knew that this was something I would want to share with as many people as I can because it’s so simple, yet really powerful. For this very reason, I have created my first ever guided meditation that will help you release overthinking and find soft grounding.


Heart-focused breathing aka heart activation breathing is a technique that can be used any time you want to invite more peace and clear-thinking into your life. Unfortunately, as most of us lead very fast-paced, chaotic lives it’s only natural that our brain gets a little confused from time to time. I tend to really overthink things, especially when it comes to the future. Heart activation breathing really helps calm my nerves down and find answers that can only be found in a moment of silence. 

So what does heart-focused breathing actually mean? When we practice this technique, we focus on breathing through our hearts. Of course, we know that physically we are not really able to breathe through our hearts, not yet anyway hehe. However, to sound super cliché, we know that where the focus goes, energy flows. Heart activation breathing simply means that you imagine your breath flowing in and out through your heart. Remember, our minds hold immense power and it should never be overlooked. When you focus on your breathing this way, you suddenly allow your mind and heart to work in sync. Your brain and heart waves form a coherent pattern and your body comes back to its natural state. Everything within you starts working like a finely tuned watch.

From this state, we can access answers to questions that have been bothering us. Moreover, we signal our bodies to relax and let go of fear. Sitting down and meditating while incorporating this breathing technique will make a powerful addition to your mindfulness routine. However, remember that you can always breathe through your heart whenever you feel overwhelmed. Even if it’s stopping and practicing it just for 30 seconds. 



Below you will find my script for the guided meditation that you can listen to on my Youtube channel. However, if you find that my voice is not what you were looking for, you can always make your own recording using the script below. I only ask that you do it for personal use only. Alternatively, you can read through the script and follow the exact technique in silence. Enjoy!

Thank you so much for stopping by and supporting my content. Now go ahead, try the meditation and let me know what you think!


Namaste. I am proud of you. 


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